Problem Set 01: Hello circles

Due Jan 25th (14 days)

This challenge will get you familiar with tools and process we will be using throughout the course. Even though these are technical lessons, design, presentation, and defense are critical. Please do not use colors for this problem set. Work in greyscale for now.


PS01 a: "Hello World"

In the world of software engineering there is time-honored tradition of creating simple "hello world" programs. These programs verify a properly configured working environment. In our case, this means being able to use Github, CSS, and HTML to publish something online.

PS01 b-d: "Nine circles"

You are challenged to create three compositions, each consisting of three circles. (3x3). Each composition should take a different technological approach to drawing circles. Some example approaches: scaled and positioned type, SVG, Canvas, WebGL, embedded images, unusual CSS.