Class 05 – Feb 22 2016:

Projects in Social Visualization

Less coffee. Less firehose. More collaboration.

Some answers:

Rescheduled Presentations:

We need to reschedule all our presentations. New schedule:

Project dimensions and scope. Its OK to Dream, but constraints are good.

Working with data

Exciting Development: Images data:

We can use data from social media to tell us a story about any subject we find interesting. Examples:

Can we use data from social media to tell us a story about social media? Examples:

Make untested claims about social media and its use:

BREAK 7:00 - 7:10

Look at work

Presentations from Lucy

How twitter archiving situation.

BREAK 8:00 - 8:10

Working & Questions

Get started on modifications to your project proposal.

Problem set 05:

Project Proposal. Bring in 1 or 2 project proposals for next week. The purpose of this proposal is to make us believe. It is acceptable at this phase to have large fake images (jpg?). Use 'click-handling' fakery to give us a sense of the UI if applicable.

Items from last week:

Git Help

If you are continually running into troubles with git, consider reviewing some of these: